Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Rub a Dub Dub, No Water in the Tub

So this morning I wake up around 9, as usual, and stumble into the bathroom to brush my teeth and take the morning pee, the same way I do every morning. I have my pee, flush, and get the toothbrush ready to fight my morning breath. I just turn the water on slightly to avoid knocking my toothpaste off the top of the bristles. Sometimes our faucet can really shoot that water out and this new toothpaste I bought likes to just sit on top of the brush instead of clinging to the bristles. It may have something to do with the cold too, since my tube is hard as a rock in the mornings and the paste comes out in a perfect cylinder shape everytime. But anyway, I brush and brush and brush and when my mouth starts to taste clean again, I spit. I'm done, just wash away the left overs of last nights drool from my toothbrush and get on with my day. I turn on the faucet and nothing comes out. I turn it off and back on again. The only thing that comes out of the faucest is a low growl that kind of sounds like an angry cat or maybe a high pitched empty stomach. Either way, it wasn't water. So my sink is filled with toothpaste foam and crumbs of last night's supper. The worst part of all, and maybe the most surprising, is that I was actually going to shower this morning. Oh well.

So after I posted the above about the water not working, I did some reading and had a nice lunch. I tried to kitchen sink after I ate and sure nuff, the water was working. So I grabbed my towel and my new underwear and headed to the shower. It was such a nice warm shower too. UNTIL, the power went out. Funny stuff. I get the water back and lose the power. Luckily I was thinking quick enough to move the shower head before the water turned icy cold. Unluckily I had just soaped up a good portion of my body, including some unmentionables, that did enjoy being rinsed with the ice water.

The power was still out when I came home, but my neighbors was not. I didn't really know what to do, since our "breaker box" is really just four switches behind our door and all of them were still in the on position. So I cooked dinner and read some by the light of my headlamp. When it became obvious that my roommate wasn't coming straight home from work tonight, I called the Boss to see what I should do. He told me that there's usually another breaker outside the apartment, just on the wall where anybody can mess with it, and that I should find it and if that didn't work, I would have to find our super. Well, sure enough, the one switch up on the wall outside the apartment was switched off. Either some little kid heard me in the shower and wanted to pull a prank or today was just not my day.

PS- I go tomorrow to pick up my visa. I JUST have to walk in and get it. "JUST"


Anonymous said...

Funny. Now that rainy season has started here, water actually comes up through the drain on the floor and floods our downstairs bathroom. The other day it made it into the kitchen too. Nothing like being ankle deep while doing your business or havin' a mouth full of foam right? I'm pretty sure this is what we signed up for...I can't imagine not living like this.

Whitney said...

did the power going off excite you this time? you asked me that once. if i still got excited when the power went off like you did when you were a little kid. and every time the power goes off (which is nearly everyday at this point) i think nope chris. still not excited about it. and at this point, it is so stinking hot that even the thought of taking a hot shower is making me sweat.

and you really wash your unmentionables? is that something we're all supposed to do? :)