Why? Because I am sick. I kind of had a cough yesterday, but it has turned into quite a hacker and there's a fever to go along with it. I'll be honest with all of you now, as much as I'd like to be a big, strong, tough man, when I get sick, I turn into a pretty big baby.

I don't want to get up. I don't want to make myself something to drink or eat. I just want to lie in bed! It's at times like this that I wish I had a wife/mother/good friend (preferably with soft, warm hands to feel my head with and a sweet southern accent to read to me with) here to take care of me.
I hope I feel good enough to go to church tomorrow. And rest assured that as soon as I'm better, you'll get to hear all about the week that was with Caesar Augustus.
Diogal Samb!! I've been looking for you. You'll be glad to know that when I greeted Dongo Tall yesterday, the first two questions he asked were where is Matar (the F4Fer before you) and where is Diogal? They all remember you and ask about you. the chief (Solieu) also asked why you haven't come back. I'm glad to know where you are and what you're doing. Make sure you give Jared and Craig a hard time for me. Don't let Craig cry like a girl about stuff, jump on his case and tell him he' s crying like a girl. my email is horton_timothy@hotmail.com - hit me for better communication.
Hey, get your roomie to buy 3 cartons of orange juice. Then drink them. You'll be up in no time.
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