Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Gettin while the gettin's good.

That's right, I'm making a run for the border. The land of the free, the home of the brave, here I come!

Willie Nelson once sang, "Give us your tired and weak and we will make them strong." You know how they do it? Through a steady diet of Chick-fil-a, USDA Grade A Black Angus Beef, and all the Dr. Pepper a skinny little country boy can drink. I plan on gorging myself on all the pork, beef, and fast food I can stand. My blood pressure and blood sugar levels may be equal when I get back, and neither will be in the acceptable ranges for a human being.

So I hope everyone has a good week. I'll think of you as I'm driving down the road (able to read the street signs) and trying to figure out if I want ANOTHER Chick-fil-a sandwich or if I can find room for ONE MORE juicy steak.



Jessica said...

hope you're happy, i am salivating--is that a word?--at the end of this blog and wanting a chic-filet sandwich, which i am 1 and 1/2 year away from. But you deserve it, so gorge yourself this week.

Anthony and Sharon said...

Whatever man...ribeye's aren't all they're cut out to be...I mean, who needs 14oz of perfectly marbled goodness? really? who?
Give me a curry chicken leg cut up into 9 pieces and lemme chew on the bone flecks...mmmm...

Senegal Daily said...

I'll set my jealousy aside and say one thing: GO FOR THE STEAK!

Doug Jett said...

Okay, dude! That's just wrong! How're you gonna do a a fellow South Carolinian that way?! But that's okay; you'll get your payback when I make my trip home in November for Thanksgiving. Seriously, enjoy your time home, and have a Chick-fil-a sandwich for me, if you can find room.