Saturday, June 30, 2007

America, the Series- Part 3 "I've now been awake 48 straight hours."

Friday around 8 am, we pulled into Memphis. It was a little anticlimactic, since we got lost within a couple blocks of my buddy's frat house. But once we made it, we said our hellos and our "I can't believe you pulled this off"s. Then we did the usual chit chat, trying to catch up the last year of life in fifteen minutes. But once the newness wore off, which didn't take long, unfortunately, for my friends who are used to sleeping on a regular schedule, beds were found. But at this point, I've already been awake for 36 hours, I'm excited to be in America, to see one of my best friends the day before his wedding, and to be able to speak English freely with anyone I meet. I wasn't sleepy.

So instead I volunteered to help Paul move into his new apartment. He already had everything loaded in the big Uhaul, so it was just a matter of driving over to the new place and moving the stuff in. The Turk decided to come too, for no apparent reason. After a short, maybe 20 minutes, panic, when Paul thought he had lost the keys to the truck and I had to find them for him, we were off. His new apartment was on the third floor and the Memphis heat and humidity had already descended upon us. It felt like we were moving furniture around in a hamam. Paul had to go do the paperwork on the apartment, leaving me as the only truly able bodied man in the group. It only took a couple hours, but in the heat, and with me being the only one really doing any heavy lifting, it went by slowly.

After moving, we hit the showers, and then we hit lunch! It was my pick, since I'm the foreigner now. Mexican or Chick-fil-a were my requests, and there was a Mexican restaurant nearby! It didn't take long to put away four baskets of chips, two bowls of cheese dips, four bottles of salsa, and four Dr. Peppers. That was before we ordered. The over/under was set at a dozen Dr. Peppers, for those placing bets on my drinking habits. I didn't quite make that mark due to the peculiar habit I've picked up from Turks of not drinking while you eat.

Once I was full on burritos and refried beans, we headed to the tux shop to pick up the duds. I'll just go ahead and admit, I was pimped out. I look good in a tux! If you won't take my word on it, the two ladies that worked at the tux shop will be sure to back me up. I was working it.

Friday afternoon I finally got to meet the bride as well. She was, as I expected, way out of Paul's league. She was nice, clean, well mannered, and good looking. All things my buddy Paul is not. How he pulled it off is beyond me. I was also introduced to the bride's maids. Usually I handle these things with style and class (they don't call me C-Love for nothing), but seeing as how I was on about hour 38 of not sleeping, I just tried to keep my mouth shut. Apparently I had been talked up due to the fact that I was coming from Turkey and because of my chosen profession. But having not shaved, nor slept, in a few days, lowered expectations immediately.

The rehearsal went pretty much as planned. I tried to deal with the fact that even though I came all the way from Turkey to be at the wedding, I was still relegated to being a second tier friend, not making the exclusive "on stage" club, but instead, pretending to be content with my "second stair from the bottom" placement. Thanks Paul, it meant a lot, you jerk. The rehearsal dinner was at an awesome restaurant. Steak with some sort of crawfish gravy on top. Made the whole trip worth it. We ragged Paul some, and tried to avoid any incriminating stories. It's hard to do with Paul, and I may have crossed the line talking about how he ran from the Pendleton Police and then broke in to my house through the window in order to hide from them. But you only get married once!..... hopefully.

We did go down to Beale St. afterwards, but nothing really happened. I had been awake for a little over 48 hours at this point. I think I reached the 50 hour mark before bed. But, Paul and I had a serious conversation while everybody else just goofed off. My mind had already focused on the task at hand: Making sure Paul actually went through with this thing.


Laney said...

two problems i have with this entry.
one: you make it sound like the only reason you kept your mouth shut with the bridesmaids is because you were tired and unkept... how bout' you tell 'em you have a girlfriend.
two: you didn't mention that at the 48 hour mark when you are riding down beale street your girlfriend called you from thousands of miles away on Gouge's cell phone.

oh well, i guess that wasn't too important. :)

C-Love said...

Two responses to your two problems Laney.
One: That is the only reason I didn't really talk to them. Even with a girlfriend, I would like to be cordial. However, as this girlfriend probably has figured out by now, me being tired usually equals me being rude, brash, or just plain ugly.
Two: My girlfriend didn't call me until Saturday, after the wedding, which I haven't gotten to yet. This was a post about Friday.

And one problem of my own... my girlfriend might not like you posting on my blog all the time. She's a regular firecracker.

Anonymous said...

I went and saw Transformers last night. I went in with low expectations and was therefore quite pleasantly pleased. It's everything you'd expect of a movie that feature gigantic transforming robots fighting each other. Here's a youtube clip you might enjoy. The language is a bit crude, but the Optimus Prime voice is dead on.