Phone calls from Peru.
People helping me get up for Bible study.
Nescafe Cappuccino Mixes!
God speaking to us through his word.
Lunch and laughs with good friends.
Expensive coffees.
Being able to joke in Turkish.
A good haircut.
Having someone else wash my head for me.
3 glasses of "fugitive tea."
2 good roommates.
1 low electric bill.
Music that never gets old.
And a lot more to look forward to tomorrow.

You have one week.
awww, i really like that post. a lot!
Like the new layout. Don't know who the guy is. He looks like my uncle Bobby.
Thanks for the compliments.
Uncle Bobby is incorrect.
One of the Kennedys, perhaps?
Sorry, not a Kennedy either.
It's a young Willie Nelson.
My heroes have always been cowboys and they still are it seems...
I guess I'd better go invest in some cowboy boots so I can aspire to be one of your heroes!
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