Friday, March 21, 2008

Quick Update

First of all, one of the guys from the Istanbul team came down this week to help with the frisbee weekend preparations. He was born and raised in Istanbul, so he is practically Turkish (though he still claims to be American). I was amazed at how someone with the language could do more in one day than I did in two weeks. We have some solid leads now and I hope to be telling you all about this frisbee weekend really soon.

Secondly, I just got back from an awesome trip to the mountains with the roomies. It was raining most the day, but we found shelter in an old watchtower. I have no idea when this thing was built, but when we asked a local villager he replied, "I'm 55 years old and it has been here my whole life. My father is 80 and it was here as far back as he remembers." So we know for a fact that it's at least 80 years old. Past that, it's anyone's guess. Hopefully I will have pictures soon (assuming the film was loaded correctly).

Third, Uncle Ted and his wife had their fourth son this week. Congrats to them and welcome to Earth, Brownie #4.

And lastly, Clemson didn't quite pull it out for the ACC title, but we still landed a solid 5 seed in the tourney. While I know the history of 5 seeds being upset, I'm hoping that Drake will get beat (they're down as I write this) and take the pressure off of us. I'll go ahead and mention here that I didn't take enough time to really look at my bracket. The tourney kind of snuck up on me this year. My bracket looks terrible already, though my Sweet 16 is still intact so far.

I hope everyone enjoys their Easter. We had a wonderful prayer time at church last night where we had a nice dinner, shared our thoughts on the upcoming "resurrection holiday," and then celebrated the Lord's Supper. It was really great and a wonderful way to really prepare myself and the church for the upcoming holiday. Easter is what our whole faith revolves around. I know that it was on the cross that our sins were paid for. But think about it. Everybody dies. If Jesus had just died, he would have just been another man. It was his resurrection that showed his power over death. And like Paul says, "And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain." (1 Cor. 15:14)

Praise God that he has risen!

1 comment:

Brandon and April said...

i'm beating brandon so far in our own little bracket challenge! yay! and only advanced clemson due to your high opinions of them. sheesh. so I should gain some of your bracket points too for that upset! ahhhh well. all if fair in NCAA bracket challenges.