Tuesday, August 08, 2006

What did nerds do before computers?

I mean really. I've been a nerd my whole life, I know this, and most of you do too. But since I've had my beautiful, litte Mac, who I love very much, it's gotten out of control. This blog is just another sign of that. But what did nerds do before the days of computers? I know there were nerds around, there always have been and there always will be. So what avenue did they have to unleash their nerdness? I'm sure they found some way. Thankfully, I have this one.

So that's all that I could come up with today. A prayer letter should be coming soon, so that'll give you insight into the last week or so of my life. I need to see if I can get a few things done today. It's such a change of pace when you judge how good your day is by how many times the power goes out and whether or not you told the salesman, "I bought it Friday" or "I bought a second wife." Details.


Anonymous said...

i don't get it, why are you trying to buy a second wife??

C-Love said...

In Turkish, the word for Friday is spelled "cuma." But in Turkish you say "Cs" with a "J" sound, so it's really "juma." However, if you forget and say it with more of the "K" sound, the word "Kuma" in Turkish is what they call their second wife, since in Islam they can have up to four.

And I had to return something I bought on Friday and was afraid I'd make the same mistake and instead of saying "I bought this thing Friday" I'd say "I bought this thing, second wife" and obviously be misunderstood, because you can't buy your second wife until you've bought your first. Or something like that.

Whitney said...

come on jess.... was it really that hard to figure out?