Monday, January 22, 2007

It's here...

I just have a minute, but I thought I'd tell you guys about our new neighbor... BURGER KING!!! Yes, there are a couple other ones in town, but they're all FAR from my house. But today was the grand opening of the one almost DIRECTLY ACROSS THE STREET! Get behind me Satan! I couldn't let the grand opening go by without stopping in, so me and the Boss met there for lunch. Yes, it tastes just like it does in America. Praise God.

But before you go freaking out because I'm "eating unhealthy" (which I do anyways, without Burger King), you'll be glad to know that I did go to the gym today. And if that doesn't satisfy you, at least I only ate there once today. The Boss is going back for dinner! Ha!

Alright, I think my little heater has sufficiently warmed the bathroom, so I'm going to go take my icy shower and pray that it doesn't cause my cough to turn into full blown pneumonia.


Anonymous said...

how are you gonna have a burger king across the street, but no warm water in your bathroom....

Anonymous said...

somebody needs to update their blog. i mean what exactly have you been doing with all your internet time? it's like you've been preoccupied or something.

p.s. oranges or bananas are better than burger king--i could even handle this argument for an hour!