Thursday, February 15, 2007

10 Days and Counting

Now, I know what some of you are thinking already. C-Love hasn't showered in a week and a half. While that may or may not be true, that is not the point of this post. The point is, today marked the 10th day in a row that I have been up at or before 9 AM. Amazing. Simply amazing. I'd like to think it is a sign of my increased discipline, something that I have been working on recently. But I have to give credit where credit is due. Mrs. V prayed that I would get up for a prayer meeting and every since then I've been inexplicably waking up at the crack of dawn (it's relative). Mrs. V can you start praying for me to learn Turkish and to be able to dunk from the free throw line?

But that's not all the exciting news this week. Valentine's Day was yesterday!!! The one day a year when C-Love really gets to shine. And remember, they don't call me C-Love for nothing!

Miss Kitty's husband is out of town on business and since the Anti-Girlfriend is actually part of "the Unit," I felt the need to do something to let these ladies know that they are loved on V-Day. So I put together a nice lunch of General C's Chicken Fried Kung Pow Wanton Rice, cute bottled Cokes, and Reese's cups (a little sweet for the sweets of the team, if you will). On the table were two of the finest, freshest, and most heavily lacquered roses you can buy from the creepy guy on the street corner, bundled with some wild grasses and weeds picked that very morning from the ally behind the grocery store. And to set the mood, I put together an iTunes playlist of the greatest love songs of yesterday and today, complete with Chicago, Journey, Edwin McCain, and my hometown heros, Hootie and the Blowfish. It was a setting that even Delilah (the radio host, not the temptress and traitor) would've been proud of.

I hope everyone enjoyed their Valentine's Day as much as I did, and that you were awake before 9 to enjoy it.


Jessica said...

To the Editor:
I am writing in response to your last mention of the better half of the unit here in our fair city as...what did you call her again? Oh yes, the Anti-Girlfriend. References like this may be appropriate in congenial conversation, however, they may be associated with a negative tone in this post. I feel that this person would like to be affectionately referred to in your journalings, seeing as how she is an endearing part of your life at the moment and I hope will continue to be. Please take care of this matter as soon as possible so as not to hurt this aforementioned 'Anti-Girlfriend's' feelings. Just thinking about her. Also, you may want to look to her blog to see how you will be referred to in the future.
Yours Truly,
Someone with the 'Anti-Girlfriends' best interest at heart

Jessica said...

To the Editor:
I am writing in response to your last mention of the better half of the unit here in our fair city as...what did you call her again? Oh yes, the Anti-Girlfriend. References like this may be appropriate in congenial conversation, however, they may be associated with a negative tone in this post. I feel that this person would like to be affectionately referred to in your journalings, seeing as how she is an endearing part of your life at the moment and I hope will continue to be. Please take care of this matter as soon as possible so as not to hurt this aforementioned 'Anti-Girlfriend's' feelings. Just thinking about her. Also, you may want to look to her blog to see how you will be referred to in the future.
Yours Truly,
Someone with the 'Anti-Girlfriends' best interest at heart

Jessica said...

Obviously she is not the brightest half of this unit.
Please disregard the repeat comment.
Doesn't have quite the effect I was going for now, but oh well.

Doug Jett said...

Dude, you make me proud! I keep telling people you were raised right! But that's to be expected given the geographical location of you upbringing. Don't worry about how I'll be referring to you. Nothing but props! Keep up the good work!

Pastor Jeremy said...

c-love, I just assume you don't shower for 10 days or more at a time. After all you went 1/10 of a year when you were my roomate!

By the way, you clemson boys need to get ol' spurrier under control cause that mouth of his is startin' get a little loose.

Anonymous said...

Lacquered roses, hmm?... I got two from my kids on V-Day: one that plays "Fur Elise" when you press a button on the stem, and one that's made out of feathers. Beat that! :)

Anonymous said...

hey!! I enjoy reading your post!! I hope that all is going well! Jenny Flynn

Anonymous said...

Hey Chris, why do they call you C-Love anyway?