Monday, February 05, 2007

Rex, you are awful, and the Baker.

First of all, I'd like to say that Peyton Manning was not the most valuable player on that football field. He had a decent game, granted, but he was not the reason that Indianapolis won the Super Bowl. Rex Grossman is. He's awful. I know his completion percentage was actually pretty good. But please people, 20 completions for 165 yards? 2 Interceptions? 2 fumbled snaps? The worst part about having Rex Grossman at quarterback is that you can't "mix it up" much. You're constantly afraid of throwing the ball. The Bears were predictable because they have a handicap at QB. And when the game was still in reach, early in the 4th quarter and only down by 5, Rex made the play of the game for the Colts. He threw a horrible pass, absolutely horrible, that resulted in a 56 yard return for a touchdown and in effect, put the game out of reach. Even though Peyton's numbers were decent, I still say he needs to prove to me that he can win the big game. He threw 8 picks in the post season. 8! That's after throwing 9 during the whole regular season. I can't argue against the fact that he played good enough to win. But I have to disagree that he played good enough to be the MVP.

So with that out of the way, let me tell you about the Baker. He's a short little guy that gets really excited to see me (or any of the local foreigners) come in to the shop. He's always up for talking, which is just what I need to learn this language. Before the game last night, I was on my way to our office to do some studying. I needed to get away from the distractions of home and I needed the fast internet to make some phone calls on Skype. So I was walking to the office with my Bible in hand when the Baker called me over so he could snap a photo of me with his camera phone. I obliged and we started talking. After the usual small talk, he asked what I was carrying. I handed him my Turkish Bible and he opened it up randomly and started reading. That's where the conversation started. It didn't end for over an hour. We covered a lot of ground and he got to read a lot of Scripture. He asked good questions. I would try to give him an explanation and then I would just find some Scripture that spoke to the issue and let him read it for himself. I ask that you continue to pray for him. Ask that the Spirit would be moving in his heart so that he can see the Truth.

There were two funny things that happened last night during this share time. The first is that at one point during the discussion, the Baker told me I was "ters." I did not know this word. But, the Baker had my dictionary in his hand, so he looked it up for me. He found it and read the following definition, "excrement of an animal." You don't say. I asked to see the dictionary and sure enough, the first definition given is "excrement of an animal." BUT, the second definition is "wrong, opposite, contrary." Now, I'm going to extend some grace and give him the benefit of a doubt here and say that he was just telling me that I was wrong. At this point in my time here though, neither one would be a surprise to me.

The other funny thing was actually a thought I had as I left the Baker. The Baker and the Pants Man are the two guys in town that I have shared the most with. They have heard the fullest explanation of our Gospel and they have actually had the opportunity to read the scriptures for themselves. This is great. I love these guys. But the thought occured to me. Isn't it ironic that the two guys I have shared the most with in my brief time in this country are both named Mohammed? It made me laugh out loud as I walked down the sidewalk to the office. How funny.


Senegal Daily said...

C-Love, I can't read your blog (family is sending game on DVD in a few wks), but wanted to leave a comment to say hello... and great job on taking pics ;)

Pastor Jeremy said...

So if you don't mind, I'm going to use your story in my talk with my students on Sunday. That was really inspiring... thanks for the testimony.