Friday, July 27, 2007

Oh Sweet Jesus

For some reason or another, most likely my tattoo, I have picked up the name "Jesus Christ" from one of the guys we play basketball with. He's a great guy who means no disrespect by it, which is hard to believe since he's a socialist and an atheist. But I genuinely believe him when he says that he respects us and respects Jesus and his teachings. It still doesn't take away from the comedy of it all.

And things reached a new level last weekend. It was hot as blazes in the gym, yet we still managed to play a full court, five on five game, to 131! It was actually two games, one to a hundred, then one to thirty one. But don't forget, it was FULL COURT and at least 90 degrees inside the gym. I'm not the best player out there. In fact, I may not have been the 10th best player out there. But I can hit a jump shot from the free throw line with amazing consistency. I just ask that you don't expect me to get any closer or any further away. But the really funny thing is that after almost every shot I made Sat, as we were running back down the court, our friend would say to no one in particular, "Oh sweet Jesus!"

That afternoon, I had a headache that put me down for a while. I headed to a friend's house to sleep in the AC for the night and got some medicine from another friend and got to feeling better. I've been fighting this same battle all week. It's so hot that any time outside robs you of all your energy. I've taken afternoon naps twice this week and have been successful in my attempt to stay inside between the hours of 12-4. Today that is changing. I'm using my day off to go do some advertising in another city. Hopefully I'll get the same response from some of them!

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