Friday, May 25, 2007

What a Crappy Couple Days

Pun intended.

I haven't been my usual chipper self for about a week now. Last Thursday I was tired, Saturday I slept most of the afternoon, Sunday wore me out, and I was exhausted Tuesday. All of that came to a head Wednesday night after the Anti-Girlfriend's birthday party. Let's just say that this is the worst hang over I've ever had without the help of alcohol.

I was bad sick for about five hours Wednesday night. It was so bad that Special K asked if I needed to go to the hospital. By that time though, I told him, I couldn't have a whole lot left in me, so it should be about over. It was, about.

But I'm feeling better. I slept almost all day yesterday and then a good portion of today. I've been up since lunch time and seem to be doing fine. The little bit I've eaten has stayed in and besides a pretty bad headache and some incredible soreness in my neck and shoulders, I am good to go.

I don't know if I'll be up for basketball in the morning or not, but I'm going to try a trip to the movies tonight. Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is out and despite all the bad reviews, I feel like it'll be worth a look. I've already lowered my expectations in the hopes that it won't sting quite as bad if it's a total wash. But I need to be going. The only English showing starts at 6, so I don't have much time. The last thing I need given my current situation is to try and understand pirate talk in Turkish.

Which, speaking of Turkish pirates, I though I should note this little known fact. As some of you know, I carried the nickname of Redbeard through my time in CO due to a ill conceived plan of putting some personal ads in the Denver Post. I'll spare you the details, but let it be known that had the ads run, I would not be here alone right now. Anywho, the name Redbeard is a famous one in this country. It's actually a mispronunciation of a famous Turkish pirate's name. Oruç Reis and his brother Hızır Reis were famous pirates and in the early 16th century. Oruç captured hundreds of ships and raided dozens of towns in his time. His greatest accomplishment was taking Algiers for the Ottoman Empire. He was well known for transporting Muslims from Spain to safety in North Africa. They affectionately called him Baba Oruç, which means Father Oruç, but became mispronounced in Italian as Barbarossa, which means Redbeard. After Oruç died fighting the Spaniards, his brother inherited his position and his nickname.


Anthony and Sharon said...

we predict you'll be one of the only ones in the theater to think the Keith Richards part is as funny as it really is...FYI (in case you didn't know) Johnny Depp originally modeled Jack Sparrow after with that info it's doubly funny...

B Chapman said...

I am so jealous that you get to watch Pirates is english. It is showing here but I can only see it in Russia or Kazakh. I'm am going to try to see it in when I am in Paris at the end of June (if it is still showing). Hope you enjoyed the movie.