Wednesday, March 21, 2007

If it ain't one thing, it's another.

This week has been, physically, pretty sorry. Sunday I found that what I thought was a zit on my forehead was actually more likely a spider bite, since it had swollen, turned red, and had a fever in it. Monday morning the swelling had moved over into my eye and so had the color, giving me the appearance of someone who had just caught a strong left hook. That afternoon I started to feel a little nauseated, so I took a nice afternoon nap. Tuesday morning I woke up with my eye looking better, but with the slightly queasy feeling still lingering. I laid around the house until the early afternoon when I went to play basketball with the boys. I broke out into a nice cold sweet, which usually helps me snap out of this stuff. I came home with a headache, but I knew it would pass and that I'd be feeling better today, which I am. But the thing I hadn't foreseen was the jamming of my pointer finger. I reached in to knock a pass away and jammed my finger up good. It's not as bad as it could be, but it's definitely swollen and slightly discolored. But as soon as that goes away, assuming nothing new comes along, I'll be back to normal.

Some people would say at a time like this, "When it rains, it pours." I think it'd be more appropriate to say that, "When it rains, it's a slow and steady, uncomfortable drizzle that lasts for days with no foreseeable end in sight."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A spider bite you say, eh? You really shouldn't blog about this in the event that you are able to perform superhuman feats in the very near future while donning a webbed costume.