Monday, August 06, 2007

Now that's a good question.

Here's one that I don't get asked very often...

This past Saturday I went to teach at the language school where I have been working for the past month or so. It was mid-afternoon when class ended and I walked across the street to the bus stop. Since the temperature has been up around 130 degrees recently, I found the only shade around. It was just a small tree and there was already an older man standing in it, but you know what, it's hot dang it. So I jumped in there with him. For reasons I'd rather not explain, I was softly singing a song by The Police to myself. The old man turned and gave me a head nod to say hello. He looked at me for a second longer and asked, in Turkish, "Are you an Arab?"

Now granted, all he knew was that I was singing a song in a foreign language and that around here, Arabic is a lot more common than English. However, he did know one other thing. He could plainly see that I am 6'3", pale as a ghost, and that I have a red beard. Any one of those three would be enough to make you question my Arabness. But there was something, and God only knows what, that made this guy wonder.


Anonymous said...

I had a guy ask me that once after I told him I was from Tennessee.

Doug Jett said...

What, you mean you're not?!