Sunday, November 25, 2007

Sweet Times with Steve and Ally, Great Birthday, Merry Thanksgiving

The group from Istanbul had to split up on Sunday. The couple that came are not believers and did not want to attend church, so they took off for the coast. They had a nice day visiting the Chasm of Heaven and the Pit of Hell, the Girl Castle, and the great city of Mersin. But, thankfully, Steve and Ally follow Christ and were excited about seeing what church is like down here in the village.

I had had that rough conversation with the White Guy the Friday night prior. That was the background for a rough Sunday for me. The first thing the White Guy said to me when I walked in was, "Welcome Chris, how are your Kurdish friends?" It really caught me off guard and angered me greatly. It was extra hard for me because we stood shoulder to shoulder playing guitar in the worship band. Not only was it hard because I was angry at him and knew the hate in his heart, but I was convicted about how filthy and sinful I am at the same time. I'm tired of being so mediocre. This was what I was thinking about when the pastor asked me some question during the sermon. Of course I was off in la-la-land and looked like an idiot because I had no idea what he was asking. Add to that another awkward Kurdish conversation with the White Guy and the Shark telling me that I look "bigger," and you can understand why I've had better Sundays. Special K wanted to get everybody together at our house, but honestly, I didn't want to be there.

Not with Steve and Ally, but a good pic of the best döner place in the world.

So, Steve, Ally, and myself headed for a little cafe for dinner. We had a pretty average dinner, unfortunately. I was a little disappointed in my cafe there. But what really made the meal was the conversation afterwards. These guys were so gracious to let me blow off a little steam and to really open up and spill what was on my heart, which really wasn't that pretty or encouraging at the time. They were both full of wisdom and grace during the whole conversation. We shared some things from our lives and, to me at least, really seemed to connect. It was a great time to sit around, relax, and have some good, deep, emotional conversation. It was exactly what I wanted and needed. From there, to brighten up the night a little, we headed over to the V house. It's always warm, welcoming, and LOUD there. With four boys in the house, there's always something going on. We had a great time. Unfortunately, Tom Tom got caught by the Yeti and may have gotten a bad case of the cooties. But besides that, it was a wonderful evening.

Thanks to everyone who made this birthday special.
You da man Gouge.

I have to give a shout out to all those that made this birthday really special. I hope I have thanked you all already, but I had to throw this in here. I got a package from my boy Gouge recently and it reminded me again of why I miss that guy so much. He knows exactly how I think. He included an awesome Dave and Tim at Radio City Music Hall DVD, two good, challenging books, a stack of old magazines, a nice pair of wool socks, some tasty candy, and some quality cigars. It was awesome. I really enjoy my Peru pants and picture collection that came all the way from South America. I also really appreciate the entire fall wardrobe I got from my local friends. I don't mean to take away from you guys by saying this. But Robbie Gouge, you did good my friend. It was great to get that package and I miss you something fierce at times bud.

And finally, a great big Merry Thanksgiving! (that's for you Ding Dong) My favorite Ethnographer came over for Thanksgiving this year. Having him around really made for a great holiday. But it wouldn't have been Thanksgiving without the incredible feast the ladies prepared for us! The turkey was great, all the fixins were incredible, and whatever that secret ingredient in the rolls was, it was perfect. I ate till I couldn't eat any more, then we waited for a couple hours, and had desert. I had some amazing apple pie, some tasty and unique pumpkin pie, and a little sliver of chocolatey goodness. Yes, three slices of pie. And since everyone was in the holiday spirit, the Anti-Girlfriend sacrificed some of her Starbucks for us to enjoy. I think I drank 5 cups before it was over with. All in all, it was as good of a Thanksgiving as I've ever had. An abundance of good food, great friends, lots of laughs, and a little splash of American football made for a Thanksgiving to remember.


Anonymous said...

so we don't get to see you in those really cool Peru pants?! i bet u look great in them!

Ally said...
