Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Things I Hate, Tapping my Foot, Closing in on a Championship

If I had to make a quick list, off the top of my head, of the things I hate, it would look like this:

1. Injustice
2. Indecisiveness
3. Rude People (that includes myself)
and tied for fourth, Cold French Fries and Warm Pepsi

Ok, that's just the things I hate at this very moment, but let me explain why this is even on my mind. Friday night, after a wonderful prayer meeting with believers from all over the city, the White Guy came back to my place to eat and chill. Myself, Special K, the Canadian, and the White Guy had a ton of laughs. We talked for a couple hours and never stopped laughing the whole time. That is, until the topic of the Kurds came up. The White Guy has been known to lean towards racism. I have been known to get incredibly angry when confronted with racism. Friday night was no different.

I said a lot of hard and harsh things, none of which I am sorry for. I meant it and I don't think I said anything that couldn't be backed up by scripture. I was angry, but I don't think I let myself fall into sin, despite my anger. But I did tell the White Guy what I thought. I don't think you can continue in that sort of mindset and call yourself a Christian. Whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness, says 1st John 2:9. Racism is hate. If you won't let go of prejudices based on skin color or ethnic background, then you are going to have a hard time reading the whole book of 1st John. You will never understand how Christ could die for all the world. No people group is inherently better than any other, not even God's own "chosen race," the Jews. Paul opposed Peter to his face, according to Galatians chapter 2, for this very thing. Jew or Gentile, White or Black, Turk or Kurd, we are all sinful, in need of God's grace, unable to acquire it by any good deed of our own, but offered it freely through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is also clearly stated in Galatians 2 and 1st John 2, among a myriad of other places in Scripture.

I went to bed pretty upset that night and the feeling would come back on Sunday when the White Guy's greeting at church was, "Hello, how are your Kurdish friends?" Not a great way to start the day after making a regular butt of yourself just two nights before. It was especially sickening when you consider that not only were we at church, but we were getting ready to lead the church in worship. That's right, me and the White Guy stood shoulder to shoulder, playing guitar, leading the worship service, just a few short minutes after he made such a show of his prejudices. It was hard for me to swallow and lingered with me most of the day after that.

All of us have prejudices. I'm willing to say that most of us are racist to some extent. We judge entire people groups by the small interactions we have with them. I am as guilty as the next man. I pass judgment and talk bad about Turks all the time despite the fact that in my short time here, I have met a small, small fraction of all Turks. We all do it. It's human nature. It's sin nature. As Christians, we must see it for what it is and fight it. We can not passively just let it control our thoughts and attitudes towards others. Growing up in the family that I have, it would be completely normal, natural, and understandable for me to hate blacks. After all the crap I've taken over the past year, the horrible stories I've heard from some dear sisters of mine, and watching three brothers get slain here, it would be really easy to write off all Turks as barbaric. These are easy and natural feelings. We must, as Christians, fight them. We are commanded to love all people. It's not easy nor is it natural, but it is what we are called to. With that in mind, I still love the White Guy, but God knows how angry he made me this past weekend.

Secondly, I'd like to throw some recommendations out there for all of you. I went on a small shopping spree and downloaded some new music over the last week or so and wanted to share what's been on my iTunes a lot lately.

First of all, Michael Buble.

A very cool friend of mine dropped this name to me a while back and I finally got around to trying it for myself. He's a crooner. It's jazzy, big band stuff in the style of Sinatra. It's classic music that really gets you tapping your foot and snapping your fingers. I've had it stuck on my iPod and in my head ever since I downloaded it. Songs to try: Everything, Lost, The Best is Yet to Come.

Secondly, I have found comfort in the sounds of The Fray.

These guys came out back in 2005 and are from the Denver area. Somehow, despite me living within a few miles of where they met and started playing together, I never heard of them until recently. They are a piano based band, which lends itself to a softer sound and more relaxed feel. To my knowledge, they only have one CD out at this point titled "How to Save a Life." If you are just looking for a song or two, try Over My Head (Cable Car) and the title track "How to Save a Life."

And lastly, changing directions totally, I found some smooth jams and some music that really makes you want to get up and dance in the Gorillaz.

The Gorillaz are best known for their extremely strange animated videos and the fact that they are to my knowledge the only "virtual band" to make it in the mainstream. They are not real people, but cartoon people. The music is made by a collaboration of artists under the guise of these cartoon band members. Despite that, or maybe because of that, the music is great. For some good chill music, try Tomorrow Comes Today, 12d3, and New Genious. If you want to get up and dance, try the feel good grooves of Rock the House and (one of my personal favorite songs now) 19-2000 (Soulchild Remix).

And to close things out, let me say that your Clemson Tigers are one win away from going to the ACC Championship Game. We absolutely destroyed Wake Forest this past weekend to set up a winner take all game with Boston College Saturday night.

It's been a long, long time since we have had this type of a game in Clemson. It's in the Valley, at night, on ESPN2, which means it will be rocking. I hope my boys can see this golden opportunity for what it is and not let it slip by. BC is coming off two straight losses and they are in a rut. We, on the other hand, are soaring, playing our best football of the year. Though I have to admit to being a bit hesitant in this prediction (I've seen us come up short one too many times), I am too blindly optimistic at this point to even care really. I'm saying Clemson 41 - BC 16 and we are going to Jacksonville!


Anonymous said...

good blog and a good reminder that we can't continue to walk in sin as true believers.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you've finally seen the light that is the music of Michael Buble. (Was I the really cool friend who mentioned him to you? I don't remember. I hope so!) I think "Save the Last Dance for Me" is my favorite by him.

Also, how ARE you? Haven't heard from you in ages!

Ally said...

i'm glad you liked the music