Saturday, January 26, 2008

I am a travelever of both time and space.

If you can name that song reference (and movie reference, actually) before you read on, let me know and I'll give you a dollar. Be honest though!

I have been running, somewhat, and as promised, here is the latest update. This week I ran twice. I will play basketball tomorrow, and that will include some more running, so let's make it two and a half days this past week. It hasn't been bad. I haven't felt like I was going to die while I've been out there and I haven't been sore or tired afterwards. But, I think I have found my hopefully temporary limit.

At about the two mile mark I start feeling it and as I approach the third, I crap out. I am keeping a pretty good pace, so I could potentially slow down and run further, but still, it's a little embarrassing. I should not have trouble running for more than 20 minutes. I have a list of excuses though, don't worry.

1. I'm still not sure how to eat for running. What I mean is, I always feel a little sick when I run and I think some of it has to do with what I'm eating. Something tells me that those two Turkish sausage, egg, potato, and cheese burritos I had (with mayonnaise) the night before were part of the problem today. Maybe I should be looking more for fruits and vegetables and less for processed meat products and fat based condiments.

2. I have had a head cold for the past week or so. It makes breathing in my nose hard and it means I have a lot of drainage too. This would explain why my spit is so thick and why it is harder than it should be to breath. It may also explain the upset stomach.

And finally, 3. Kashmir. Hopefully you all see the song reference now. If not, go out and buy the Led Zeppelin box set and listen to it from start to finish. It'll be the best $70 and 5 hours you've ever spent. Matt Damon quotes it in the meeting with Matsui in Ocean's Twelve, by the way. Anyhow, I made a playlist of just over thirty minutes worth of music to run to. The songs are rocking, to keep me going. Everyday I have started with a different song and just put it on random order. Everyday Kashmir has been the 4th song played. The song that carries me from the 15 minute mark past the 20 minute mark (or past two miles and to the third). I have yet to finish the song.

So maybe 20 minutes is my wall right now. That'd be about 3 miles at the pace I keep, maybe a little less. That means I'll be walking the last 10 miles of this half marathon! Great.

Or maybe it's just Kashmir. Maybe if I replace it with the hard driving duo of Moby Dick/Bonzo's Montreux and Immigrant Song, it'll carry me over towards that fourth mile. Valhalla, I am coming!


Anthony and Sharon said...

Ok, so you can't ask a trivia question at the beginning of the post, only to give the answer at the end... especially when I knew the answer to the question. I think you should still mail me a dollar.

The first time I watched Oceans 12, I was the only one who got the Led reference. Does no one get the Led out anymore?


C-Love said...

If you knew the answer before you read it, then you win. Let me have your address and I'll have that dollar in the mail in no time.

I need a little Led for my head before bed every night.

rgouge said...

I knew the Kashmir reference, but not the movie reference. Can you really count that as a movie reference, when the movie is actually quoting the song? I mean, I knew when I saw the movie that Kashmir was what he was talking about, but I didn't put 2 and 2 together that you were talking about him talking about the same song you referenced the first time. Is that maybe worth 75 cents? Can you mail coins?

Ally said...

i think its the food, turkish food isn't always that great for running. that is what i blamed it on. well one of the things i blamed it on.