Thursday, January 17, 2008

When in Rome...


After traveling half the length of Italy and walking around Florence all afternoon the day before, we took it easy our first day back in Rome. We saved the exciting stuff for when we were a little more awake.

And I have a confession to make real quick. I am in the middle of a rigorous 9 week training program for the upcoming Tarsus half marathon. I am supposed to run 20 miles this week. Also, one of my own, self-imposed rules is that I can't drink Coke during all this training.

Well, I have yet to run a single step this week. And I was in the checkout aisle with a candy bar and a Coke in hand today before I realized that I wasn't supposed to be buying it. Nor was I supposed to buy that Coke I had with lunch. Doh! I had made it 4 whole days. I hate to see a streak like that broken. But tomorrow is a new day, full of potential and opportunity. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life. (And sitting here, alone in my bedroom, I feel a little embarrassed at the cheesiness of that last sentence.)

1 comment:

Senegal Daily said...

yup, you're pretty cheesy, c-love. maybe today will be different.? let's catch each other on skype some time.
ciao (i don't know how to spell 'ariva derche')