Sunday, February 17, 2008

One Last Look - For Fortune

It's been a long time coming, but I wanted to finish up showing off my pictures from Rome.

The last day there, Lane and I went back around to some sites that we had seen, but hadn't spent a lot of time enjoying. First on the list was the Spanish Steps. If you'll remember, the last time we were there, it was pouring. The second time around, it was much nicer.

Beautiful overlook of the city.

There is a nice park at the top of the Steps where Lane and I relaxed for a bit. We sat on a bench in a nice wooded area to just talk and relax.

The scene of the Double Pat.

A man came up to us selling little bracelet things. He put one on Lane's arm and then tied one on me. We kept telling him that we were not going to give him any money. He continued to reassure us that we didn't have to. He explained that the color he had given Lane stood for fortune. But then, I think he realized that he had no fortune on that day. I am cheaper and more stubborn than your average tourist. So he took the bracelet back from Lane. As he went to pick up his stuff, Lane looked over at me and said, "He just patted me on the butt." But she was kind of giggling, so I assume she meant he just bumped her when he was picking up his stuff. Apparently he had given her a little double tap on his way out. For fortune.

And we were able to laugh about it afterwards.

From there, we walked back down the Steps and on to the Pantheon. I was glad to go back by the place, since I had forgotten to take a picture of it's outside the time before. Lane was glad to go by it because she needed to go to the bathroom again.

Looking back up at the Spanish Steps.

The Pantheon from the outside, as I waited for Lane.

Even the McDonald's in Rome are swanky. This was stop #42 on Lane's "Public Bathroom Tour of Rome."

From there we went back to Trevi Fountain. I took the opportunity to eat one last piece of pork before coming back to my pork-free city. Then Lane and I spent a long time trying to guess where people were from. At a place like Trevi Fountain, there are people from every continent passing through. We talked about how great of a week it had been and what was to come when we returned to our respective places. All in all, it was probably my favorite part of the whole week. I know it doesn't sound too exciting, but it was just a very special time to just sit and be with each other.

Enjoying the pork immensely.

It was daylight when we got there.

After our sit by the fountain, we tried to find a nice place to eat. Even though Jess gave us wonderful directions, there is just no way to find your way around the back streets of Rome alone. So, we ended up at this little restaurant just up the road from her apartment. What a find! I wish we had gone there earlier in the week. It was one of the best meals I had in the country and Jess said that we didn't even get the best of it. She said they had the best pizza in town and Lane and I both got pasta.

Warm lighting, cool wine, the smell of pasta, and the sound of loud Italians made for the perfect atmosphere.

The food was dang good too.

But after that, the hard part came. First, we had to say goodbye to our friends and hosts. They were incredibly welcoming, helpful, and fun. I love Jess and her roommate was just as cool. Alex and everyone else who made the trip a big success will always have a special place in my heart. It was a great week and wouldn't have been so without the good advice, good pasta, and good laughs that you guys blessed us with. Thanks.

Since Lane had a super early flight, we had to take the last train out to the airport and spend the night there. Lane and I found a wide window sill to set up camp in. She got a few hours of sleep. I got a few espressos.

I don't think I could've slept anyways, but an espresso per hour will keep you wide awake.

Everybody did good until they started boarding Lane's flight. It was hard to see one of the best weeks of my life come to a close. But I know that it was just a taste of what's to come. In just a few short months, we'll pick it back up in Mississippi. Until then, I'm going to make the most of my time here, she's making the most of her time there, and we are making the most of this long distance relationship until we can be together again.

Last picture from one of the best weeks I can remember.

1 comment:

Laney said...

this makes me sad. let's either go back or hurry forward... i'm tired of being stuck without you.