Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Running Where Paul Walked

A week ago a bunch of us headed to Tarsus to participate in the 5th Annual Tarsus Half Marathon.

Well, that was my original intent at least.

Not long after I started training for the half marathon, my frisbee friends in Istanbul told me that they had obtained some grant money from the Ultimate Players Association in the US for the purpose of putting on instructive clinics in Turkey. I was super excited. Then I found out that they wanted to do one in Adana the same weekend as the half marathon. It meant that I had to choose one or the other and when faced with the choice of putting myself through the agony of three months worth of training and then running 21.1 kilometers for no apparent reason or doing nothing for three months and showing up to play ultimate for two days with good friends, I chose what was behind door number 2.

So I quit training. But then as the weeks went on, it became obvious that we were not going to be playing ultimate that weekend. This is Turkey and things just don't happen as fast as you'd like sometime. So it freed me up to run in the race. But by that time, it was too late. There was no way I was going to be ready for a full half marathon. So I decided that I would rather run a good 5k than a horrible and painful half marathon. And that's what I did.

The race itself was short (5k really isn't that far and there's no guarantee that it was actually 5k anyways) and it passed quickly (I asked a guy I was running with for the time just before the finish and he said 18 minutes. When I crossed the finish line, my clock said 20 minutes. I finished somewhere in between.). So I took up position, with all the women who did the 5k, near the finish line to watch the men, and some women, finish their half marathon.

It was a ton of fun and I have to say that I am still interested in running a half marathon some day, just not today. Enjoy some pictures from the weekend.

The Start/Finish Line - I'm not sure who designates what year it is.
I could've sworn this was the "Year of Chris."

Everyone came out to cheer on the runners, even the old ladies.

This dude did the 5k on crutches. His arms were as big as my waist.

And this dude did the whole half marathon.

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