Saturday, October 14, 2006

I'm All In.

Those were the first words I heard the other day as I turned on ESPN. It was the final table of a No Limit Texas Hold 'Em tournament that a seasoned pro lost to a newcomer on a very stupid play. We can discuss the ins and outs of poker later, but first, let me tell you what makes this story remarkable. I was watching ESPN! I have found a way to watch ESPN on my computer. Now granted, my internet connection isn't fast enough to actually watch it in my home. To save money, we have the slowest internet connection offered. However, if I go to my boss' house, where he has splurged for more speed, then I can actually watch ESPN. Unbelievable.

I had to install Windows on Eve (my Macbook) to make it happen though. This I sincerely apologize for. After I installed it and opened it, I knew it was wrong. I bought this computer for her speed, power, dependability, and other things, but what has made me fall in love with her, more than the things I have mentioned, is her beauty. She's the prettiest computer you've ever seen. All the screens, buttons, programs, everything runs so smoothly and looks so good doing it.
To see that ugly Windows screen, with it's glossy buttons, unorganized program lists, and that ugly color scheme (the Window's blue surrounding that scene of podunk Kansas is horrible) on my beautiful Mac screen was an abomination. I have left it on there, with the hopes of watching my Clemon Tigers on ESPN, I promise, that once the football season is over, so is Windows on my Mac. I'm sorry you have to do it Eve, but sometimes love hurts. My love for Clemson means I must make sacrifices, and I am asking you to make this sacrifice for me. Please forgive me.

But speaking of Clemson. Well, let's just say that Temple is the worst team in Div. 1-A. They had a 18 game losing streak coming into our game Thursday night. Despite that, we couldn't score a single point in the 4th quarter. I don't know what is wrong my Tigers. We just can't close out a game. But wait a minute, I know what you're thinking, "Crap, did Clemson lose to Temple?" haha, not exactly. We might not have scored a single point in the 4th quarter, but we did score 63 points in the first 3 quarters. It was nice. We ran the ball all over them and were nearly perfect throwing the ball. Our next two games will be tougher. We have GT next. Luckily, it is in Death Valley and we have a few extra days to prepare. But they are good. They will be tough to beat. And the game that I have been dreading all year, the trip to Blacksburg to play VT on a Thursday night, just four days after our game with GT. Whoever was involved in making our schedule obviously hates us. We must win both to have a chance at being in the ACC championship game. If we do not, at this point, it would be a disappointment. I know I said we'd go 10-2, and I agree that is reasonable, but I don't want to see it happen. 11-1 is so close. Let's do it Tigers!

A lot happened this week, and then again, not a lot happened. Monday was fairly normal. We had Bible study in our house again and it was dealing with holiness. It's probably a good thing I didn't know enough language to speak, because I don't think I agreed with everything that the leader was saying. However, someone else brought up a good question that caused quite a discussion, so I wasn't the only one who thought things sounded funny. Tuesday was one of the longest afternoons of my life. I was just trying to mail some paperwork to Istanbul, but it wound up taking me three and a half hours. I didn't find the shipping place my boss told me to go, so I went downtown. I got wrong directions from two people before I found someone who could show me where to go. The crazy part is, he spoke English. Well, that's not really that crazy, except that while we were speaking English, he whipped out his Georgia driver's license! He went to Southern Polytechnic University near Atlanta, where my former coworker at the GDOT is currently enrolled. Small world. I have his name and number, and we will keep in touch. Then I had some language lessons with a man from church at another family's house from church. They fed me the best meal I've had in the country. Beans and meat with rice and salad. Sounds plain, but it was amazing. I didn't feel 100% Wednesday, but we had a nice prayer time with the team that night. Thursday I had to be at the office most the day, so I just studied and read. Les Miserables is a good book by the way. I had read it in French, but had forgotten most of it since then. It's a good read. Thursday night I had a big discussion with my roommate about how to handle a guy at church who's been slandering some other church members. It's a sticky situation. Pray for that one. Yesterday the school had a picnic for the kids. We went to this awesome place where a small river has carved a gorge in the hills about an hour from here. It was a really cool place and quite relaxing, which was nice after not sleeping Thursday night listening to my Tigers.

So I know it's long. Give me a break, I've been busy! I'll be better about updating this week.

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