Monday, October 02, 2006

"I'm cooking it and you're eating it!"

That is how the Shark described my complete domination in pool today. Once we went to one on one action between myself, the Shark, and (new character here) Herman Mellville, to be called Herman from here on out to be distinguished from another important man in my life story, Herm with the Perm, but that's a whole different story, anyway, once we went to one on one action, I won 12 games of 8-ball and lost 4 or 5, I didn't keep count of the losses. The Shark, named such for his amazing billiard skills, only won 5, and Herman could only muster 2 wins, though one was against me. By the end of the evening, I had become "well learned," a phrase that can also be translated "well cooked" or "well done" (speaking about cooking). Take that however you want.

Anyhow, for a couple prayer requests (Shea): I am almost finished translating my testimony, so pray that I finish that and get to share it soon. My language helper guy finally got a job, which is a praise, but it also means I have to find some other way to study the language during the day. Pray for somebody to help me there. And pray for the church here as it is going through some hard, but exciting times.

"There is a wisdom that is woe; but there is a woe that is madness. And there is a Catskill eagle in some souls that can alike dive down into the blackest gorges, and soar out of them again and become invisible in the sunny spaces. And even if he for ever flies within the gorge, that gorge is in the mountains; so that even in his lowest swoop the mountain eagle is still higher than other birds upon the plain, even though they soar." - Herman Melville, in "Moby Dick"

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