Saturday, December 30, 2006

Is this year over with yet?

Goodbye 2006. You have been nothing but a pain for me. I will always look back on you as being one of the worst of my life. There will be nothing good ever said about you. May you be a curse from generation to generation.

Why the unbridled hatred directed towards such an innocent thing as a calendar year? Because Clemson lost, again.

It was good enough for us to rise to #10 in the nation, with a 7-1 record, and then fall, miserable and pathetically, to 8-4, just missing a trip to the ACC championship game and losing to our archrivals. No, 2006 had one last kick in the groin for me. I had to watch Clemson lose to Kentucky. Yes, I am talking about football here, not basketball. KENTUCKY!!! Why? I do not know. First of all, I knew Kentucky would be able to throw the ball on us. Our defense has been a little soft as of late, our secondary is our weakest spot anyways, and on top of that, our best cornerback was arrested last week for possession of marijuana. They did. What I didn't expect was that we'd abandon the run so completely. I mean, James Davis and CJ Spiller are not called "thunder lightning" for nothing! Between them I think they ended up with just 13 carries. Why? Rob Spence, you completely baffle me at times. Oh yeah, another thing I did not expect, though looking back, I can't remember why not, is that Jad Dean missed two more field goals. Jad, you will not be missed. If that wasn't bad enough, he was pulled from the game, and after our first TD some other hack came off the bench to shank the extra point. Heaven help us all. You know who else hasn't made my Christmas card list? Will Proctor. If I had a dollar for everytime I shouted "Proctor you are awful" at the computer screen this year, I'd be a rich man. It's a two point conversion Will. You can't just run the ball out of bounds! Just throw it up for crying out loud! Give a guy a chance!

You're (speaking to the entire 2006 Clemson football team here) killing me guys. Like I didn't have enough on my plate trying to live a righteous life in a sin stained body, living in the Muslim world and trying to find God's elect that are being held captive here, trying to sort through various emotions, thoughts, and feelings that come with living in a foreign land far away from friends and family. Don't worry about me. Just throw on to all that the most disappointing Clemson football team to have ever put on those orange jerseys. I can handle it.

And way to go Houston. 1st and goal at the 8 turns into 4th and goal at the 50? That's the first time I've ever heard of someone punting on 4th and goal. The worst part? You lost by a TD, the TD you should've scored on that 1st and goal from the 8 play. Man I hate the University of South Carolina.

1 comment:

Whitney said...

okay... typically i would just keep quiet when clemson loses and wait for the anger to subside in you just a tad. but when my team (who hasn't won a bowl game in what? 25 years) beats your team (who may i remind u... doesn't Jesus go to clemson?) i have to at least make a comment. well done kentucky! (i hope this comment will not affect our fragile friendship in anyway whatsoever).