Sunday, September 03, 2006

Are Evangelicals and Catholics Together?

Who the heck knows? If one of you reading this does, please let me in on it. I've had this discussion twice today and still don't know if I am correct. For what it's worth, here's what I know and think.

The Catholic Church does not preach the true Gospel. I've heard this explained many different ways. I think R.C. Sproul said in one of his books that it was a faith+works salvation. That faith in Jesus was just the first step in a process of salvation or something to that extent. The historic, reformed view of salvation has been "by grace ALONE, through faith ALONE, in Jesus ALONE," and that Catholics take out the "alones." My boss here says it's a matter of authority. That the Catholic Church believes in the Bible, but also in itself, meaning that the ultimate authority is divided between Scirpture and Church tradition. Also, I know there was an attempt a few years ago at finding common ground (called Evangelicals and Catholics Together). Some prominent people signed onto it from the Evangelical side (J.I. Packer being the one that comes to mind), and some prominent people blasted them for it (the book by Sproul I read was that blasting). So who's right? Is there common ground or do we have to compromise the Gospel to get there? The only two people I know that grew up in the Catholic Church are both now Christians, and neither one attends a Catholic Church. So what the heck. I don't know. Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated.

And on a brighter note, Clemson destroyed FAU last night as planned, 54-6 (I had predicted 45-10, with a kick return for a TD I might add). It wasn't a very pretty win, we did make a lot of mistakes, but it was a solid win none-the-less. We'll really see what we're made of next weekend in Boston. I'll pray about it (aka wait and see how bad Anthony Waters hurt his knee) for a few days before I come out with my prediction.

One last thing. I have to say that today was the second time in three weeks that I have gone straight from church to the pool hall. It seems odd to be the last to leave church, sitting around having chai and talking, then taking a short walk, going down a flight of stairs, and being in a smoky pool room with Shakira blaring on the sound system. I love it. Especially when my team wins, which we did today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

C - I got your email out of my spam folder (no suprise!). So if your serious about this issue, I would look at a guy named Peter Kreft. He is an evangelical Catholic who wrote a few books that touch on the subject.
-Peter man