Sunday, November 05, 2006

Life Continues in Bizarro World

Man, I'd love to tell you guys about all the great times in my travels, but life here is just too exciting to ignore.

First of all, for whatever reason, I got dressed up today for church. Usually I look decent, but today it was cold, which meant I needed to wear a long sleeve shirt under a sweater to be comfortable. So since I was going to be wearing all that anyways, I figured I ought to make the best of it. My amazing sense of style was accented even more by the fact that it seemed like pretty much everybody else in church kind of took the day off when it comes to dressing nice. Usually I look like the bum of the group, but today I was the star, and to prove it, I have included a picture. Feel free to heap your praises on as you see fit.

BUT, if that was the most exciting thing that had happened today, I wouldn't even bother writing. There is more. After listening to a sermon covering the first few Ten Commandments, and actually understanding a good bit of it, the pastor, my roomate, the White Guy, the Shark, a girl from church, and myself were walking to the bus stop. We were talking and having a great time when I heard a crash. I looked over in time to see four teenagers break a car window, steal a bag from the backseat, and take off for the street. Well, like any good Samaritan (or ex-Game Warden), we all gave chase. My buddy Hasan cleared the fence in the middle of the road first and got one of the guys. One other gave up when it became apparent that we had them. The other two got away. We called the cops and when they came, the pastor and my roommate went with them to give a report. On the way to the station, they just happened to catch the other two guys. Apparently they didn't come too peacefully and my roomate gave one of the a nice side angle kick to the middle thorax. For those of you who haven't been to the police academy, that means that he kicked the crap out of the guy right in the gut!

In a stroke of irony, my roomate met a cop at the station that had worked his case back when he was beaten and left for dead. He ended up being able to share with quite a few cops while they were there.

Anyway, I included a portion of my conversation with the thief. It's kind of a loose translation, but you'll get the idea.

Thief: You can't get 'em all, Chris.
Me: That's a fact.
Thief: How come you're doing this, then?
Me: Because I ain't got nothin' better to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you should submit an entry to Clemson World Magazine: "Alumni Chris Smith is currently teaching English in Central Asia and moonlights as a bounty hunter working in cooperation with local authorities." You crack me up!

And who's the good-looking kid in the sweater and tie? :)