Wednesday, November 08, 2006

You JUST go in there and hand them this...


The "J" word is starting to sound more like a cuss word to me everyday. I get a chill everytime I hear it. I know that there's going to be trouble to follow.

So Monday I took out the last bit of the money from the bank and typed up the letter that I need to take with me to get my visa. All I had to do Tuesday morning was go to Rod's house, print out the letter, and head on downtown, where'd I'd copy my passport, exchange my dollars for lira, and go to the visa office. Well I left my house sometime between 9:30 and 10, and got to Rod's a little after 10. Wouldn't you know it, but between my house and Rod's, the power decided to just quit working. So me and Rod and Tom Tom had a nice little conversation that lasted the entire hour and a half the power was out. We went to a cafe to get some lunch and I gave up on trying to get to the visa office. The treasurer leaves at 2, and there was no way I was getting there before two. So I just exchanged my money and got my photocopies and got ready to go today.

So Today I got up a little after 8 and had a shower and a cup of coffee, so that I'd be wide awake and ready to go when I arrived at the visa office. I spent a little time reading and left around 9:30. I arrived at the visa office about 10:15 or 10:30 and spread all my beautiful paperwork out on the counter. Almost two hours later I was still standing at that counter. It wasn't until just before noon that they told me that the boss wasn't there and that he would be back at 1. So I left to get some lunch, already frustrated and mildly angry. As a side note, during lunch I found a little shop with some really cool looking scarves, but the woman wouldn't sell me one. I couldn't understand why and I just got more frustrated and angry. So I get back to the office a few minutes after one and the boss still isn't there. They tell me he is coming and I go sit outside in the chilly air. A few minutes before two, when the treasurer leaves, I went in to see what was going on. If I didn't see the boss before the treasurer left, I couldn't pay today and therefore, would be delayed another day. Well, as I expected, the boss wasn't there. It's not that they didn't know WHEN he was coming, they didn't know IF he was coming. SO, after spending four hours in this place, I was told to come back around 9 or 10 in the morning and the boss would be there.

So Tomorrow, I will try again. I would appreciate some prayers as you read this. There is no doubt in my mind that I will be questioned tomorrow. That is why they had to wait on the boss, he's the one who asks all the questions. Pray that things go smoothly, that I will keep my integrity, and that I won't give away information that I will regret giving away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved the story about the bandits. You truly live up to the "Texas Ranger" moniker. Anyways, since I know you're excited about the upcoming Transformers movie, here's a clip from YouTube. The first part is the trailer (which you've probably already seen) and the second part is a kind of behind the scenes thing where you'll actually get to see some of the characters from the movie (in vehicle mode). Hope things are going well and that you got the Visa. Later.