Thursday, December 21, 2006

Oh, the Possibilities!

So I've got a little bit of disappointing news. The village trip we were supposed to take this week didn't happen. "Why?" you ask. Sit back and let Mr. Chris tell you a story.

Alright, first, the characters: Myself (C-Love), the Boss (my boss here), the Brain (another teacher in our school), Pinky (the Brain's wife), Amen (a local Turkish Christian), Solomon and Zechariah (the two guys we were going to visit), Kansas (what I will call the village we were going to visit), and the BCC (Bible Correspondence Course, a program for people who want information about the Bible). For the background, check two posts down.

So the Boss and I were headed to Kansas this week to meet with Solomon and Zechariah. I met the Boss at the office and we were set to leave around 11. The Boss was watching a show about the NBA and wanted to see what they had to say about the Allen Iverson trade, since he's from Philly. As soon as it ended, we were going to leave. Just as the segment on AI starts, the Boss' phone rings. It's the Brain. The Boss and the Brain talk for a while and then the Boss calls some other guy (turns out it was Amen) and talks to him for a while. When he gets off the phone he tells me that we're not going. Of course, my first question is, "Why?" Here's the story. Pinky and Amen were just talking that morning about what had been going on lately. Amen says to her, "Do you know anyone with the BCC named Henry?" Pinky says, "No, I don't. Why?" Amen says, "Because I was told someone from here named Henry was going to Kansas to visit two guys. If you find out who it is, let me know." "Will do," Pinky tells him. So Pinky goes home to the Brain and tells him of this strange conversation about the mysterious Henry. The Brain says, "I don't know any Henry, but the Boss and C-Love are supposed to be going to Kansas this week to meet with someone. I wonder if that's who he meant?" "I don't know," Pinky replied, "but I think you should call Amen, he seemed worried." So the Brain calls Amen and is told that the two men, Solomon and Zechariah, are bad guys. Apparently Amen had met with them already and found out that they were part of a religiously conservative and anti-American political party that is based in Kansas. Amen didn't think it would be very wise for two very white men to go driving into their village to meet with these guys, so he told the Brain to pass the word to us.

So that's the story. The Boss and I talked it over later, and before you get all "Oh my gosh that's so scary" on me, let me explain a couple things. First of all, Turks overreact to just about everything. I've witnessed this on numerous occassions in my time here. If something happens, either good or bad, there is a strong tendency to blow it out of proportion. Secondly, Turks are very suspicious and untrusting people. They trust no one that they don't know, and honestly, they don't trust half the people they do know. And thirdly, they have a ton of prejudices that are strongly held. They have prejudices against Americans, Greeks, Armenians, Kurds, Arabs, and even Turks from other parts of their own country. So with the combination of all three of these, their natural tendency to overreact, their suspicious frame of mind, and the prejudices they have against some of their own countrymen, it's hard to know exactly what the situation is here. Honestly, it probably wasn't the wisest thing to go driving up there with just the two of us whities, but at the same time, I don't think there was any danger in it like Amen believed there was.

So I don't know what we'll do. The Boss and I discussed a lot about what our role as foreigners is in this country and in this town. It's a difficult question to answer. There are things that we just don't understand due to cultural differences and just general ignorance about things in this country. The prejudices against us and the ulterior motives a lot of people have for befriending us makes even the "safest" relationships uneasy and unsettling at times. Because of those reasons, and others, this type of ministry may not be something we can take part in. But we'll see. We're still thinking through it and still praying over what our role is going to be here. Hopefully this is not the end of the story with Solomon and Zechariah. I'm hoping and praying that it was an overreaction and that these guys are genuinely seeking. Even members of anti-American Muslim political parties can have their hearts touched by the Holy Spirit. That's what I pray happened here. But if it's not, I praise God for sending Amen to Pinky that day, and for getting the word to us in time, literally five minutes before we were leaving.

In other news, tonight is the last night of practice for our choir performance. Pray that we can pull it together and sound decent (good may be stretching it) on Sunday. Also, I'm going to be fairly busy the next few days, with holiday things. I'm teaching tomorrow, then there's a party and gift swap after school, and in the evening, I will be attending a performance of Anton Bruckner's Symphony No. 4 by the local symphony orchestra. Saturday, I have to finish my Christmas shopping and I will be visiting with the V family as they have sort of an "open house" for their neighbors to come and visit. Sunday I will be going to the international church to see the V boys and the Boss' kids in a Christmas play before going to my own church and giving my first international choral performance. Monday, Christmas Day, will see me visit the V family and the Boss' family to pass out Christmas cheer, then attend a city wide worship time that night at a local church.

So, if you would, take a minute and pray for Solomon and Zechariah. And while you're at it, pray for all of us spending the holiday season away from our families. Specifically, the V family I think is having some homesickness issues and a Dear Friend of mine is also dealing with some difficult emotions. Take whatever time you would've prayed for me today and give it to them instead.


Anonymous said...

Hi, this is really odd but i found your blog site during the period leading up to THE GAME. I have been following your journey since then.
I am from SC (confession- my family and i are garnet) and just wanted to drop in and say Hi. I hope things work out for the trip to "Kansas" soon.

C-Love said...

I'm sorry to hear that your family is still lost. But please, understand, there is forgiveness for all!

But now that I have mocked and offended you, I must ask, do I know you from somewhere? Just wondering if we have ever met before or, if not, how you wandered on to this website? I hope you will continue to read and pray for the people that I am working with, so don't misunderstand me. I just wanted to know if I can put a face with the name.

And to borrow a quote you Gamecocks have made famous... "Wait till next year!!!"