Saturday, September 01, 2007

Blood Mountain

I spent this past week at a place that I'll affectionately, and fearfully, refer to as "Blood Mountain." That's not it's actual name, but if you could've seen the fog rolling in on it's cold breeze, you'd understand. It wasn't a place for the faint of heart.

Besides the eerie cloud effects on almost a nightly basis, you had the food. There is only so many ways that you can prepare chicken and rice, and trust me, this place tried them all. We also had packs of wild dogs that roamed the premises. Big dogs, little dogs, short legged dogs, long haired dogs, we had them all. And as bad as the main dishes were, the desert line at this place was phenomenal. I put this in the "dangerous" section because of the impact it may end up having on my dental hygiene and body mass index.

On the positive side, we got some great time to fellowship with people from all over the country. Seeing old friends and meeting new friends was by far the best part of the week for me. We also got some solid teaching from our leadership, which is comforting and challenging. Singing songs in English, especially some classic hymns, is a blessing that I don't get very often. And the wonderful people from the States brought cookies and snacks that you just can't get anywhere around here. Oh, and don't forget about free afternoons! Time to nap, chat, and play should be a part of every day.

I need to get out of the house and go visit the Barber and some other friends. But rest assured that there are plenty of stories to be told. Tonight, as I hopefully listen in on the beginnings of the college football season, I will try to pass on a story or two.

1 comment:

Ally said...

Coming soon to a theatre near you.