Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Kickoff in Death Valley

I just want to say here, quickly, that I am so excited that I've already had to run to the bathroom once and feel almost sick to my stomach because of nerves. Clemson is about to kickoff the 2007 football season in Death Valley against Florida State.

Optimism is high. Expectations may be even higher. With that in mind, and knowing my mental state, I'll have to say that this is probably not the most well thought out post I've ever put on here, but it's probably better than the one after the BC game last year.

I'm saying it now, we BLOW OUT FSU tonight. 37-17. You heard it here first.

We also go undefeated and beat USC 120-3 in the national championship game, but that's for later.



Pastor Jeremy said...

C love...

It was not a blowout. It was a great game, but not a blowout. Clemson was ROLLING up FSU early, but after the second half Clemson came out FLAT!! and Florida state came out like FSU is supposed to. Quickly, the tension began ratcheting up until it filled a greater portion of that stadium than the heavy, muggy, South Carolina air. But with pride at stake and a huge lead about to be blown The Tiger defense stepped it up and stuffed the Noles once and for all... though the noles made one last valiant effort to wrench victory out of the jaws of defeat they were turned back by the stalwart defensive line of Clemson University! What a match! You may be asking yourself how I know... I know because I was THERE!!! Sitting on the north section on the first deck 35 yard line... for FREE! It was one of the most memorable games I've seen in recent history. Just so you know, I was rooting your boys on to victory, high fiving fellow clemson fans around me, singing the chants shaking my fist, doing the after touchdown kickoff dance, and generally doing anything I could to make your presence known from the great east. I hope I did you proud.

Mallory's Adventure said...

Yeay I found your blog! Glad you put in a good post for our Tigers! They will definitely have a National Championship while I'm over here (my luck), but I doubt USC will come close, ha!
Hope your party was fun even though you didn't have the dancing. Have you done the dance I was talking about? I hear it is popular at weddings and the like. haha!
Have a great day today!